Wednesday, October 26, 2011

False Alarm (Dad's Version)

As I sat quietly in my office on Tuesday morning reviewing the list of items I needed to complete by day’s end, I casually viewed a text message my wife sent.

"Gah - going to Labor & Delivery for IV. Boo".

Now, my first reaction, as I am sure most expecting fathers would be, was one of pure shock and scared out of my pants!

I was thinking to myself, the bedroom is not ready, the house is not ready, we still need another car seat, and hell, I'm not ready!

My mind was racing when I started to text her back asking if everything is ok. I had to wait a good 10 minutes for a reply because there were nurses and doctors in her room. I will say those ten minutes felt more like 10 hours and the whole time I am wondering, “Is she delivering”?

My fears were solidified when she finally texted back ten minutes/hours later stating she was having contractions!

I jumped to my feet thinking I am about to be the father of twins coming a month early. I promptly called my wife’s cell phone to see how she was doing and what I needed to bring.

Of course, she did not answer the phone....................At this point I am packing up my stuff and getting ready to head to the hospital.

I was moving through my office like a pro football running back having flash backs of my youth. Now, I will not sit here and say I was driving to the hospital like an old man on a Sunday morning gazing at the leaves. However, I did make it from the office in downtown Boston to Allston in record time. Mario Andretti would have been proud.

I burst into the hospital room my beautiful wife was in, half expecting to see her in the throes of child birth. Instead, I see her lying there as cool as cucumber watching Jerry Springer while sipping her Apple juice.

Her response to me coming in the room, “Can we get Mama’s for dinner tonight?”

Needless to say, it was a false alarm, this is my story and I am sticking to it!

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