Thursday, September 15, 2011

Daycares Revisited

Among the many things that must be done to prepare for our new arrivals, one of them is the unfortunate duty of choosing a suitable daycare. The depressing reality is that we just aren't equipped to survive with one income so as much as I'd love to be home with these little ones for at least their first year, it doesn't look like a feasible arrangement at the moment.

I've already shared some of my observations of the places we've visited so far. Not all of them were good but it's been a hit or miss lately.

We visited another daycare closer to home (not work) on Tuesday night.

I think it could have been LOVE at first sight! 

Front door LOCKED?   CHECK!
Staff near and by the front door?   CHECK!
Each wing of the facility housed different age groups and away from the front door.   CHECK!
Infant rooms shoe free?   CHECK!
Organized and CLEAN?   CHECK!
Certified and experienced staff?   CHECK!
Strong and established learning?   BONUS!
Price is right?   Well it's not free but its very reasonable :)

The only thing left to decide is if this is "The One" or not. There are a lot of pros to this facility unto itself. The downside is that it isn't very close to either of our jobs but since those may not be forever, we don't want to base our decision solely on that factor. The most important things to weigh in on our decision is not only cost effectiveness but also what our overall impression. It's also tough to say how much it will cost us since I won't know what my work schedule will be like quite yet when I do go back.

Loose ends bother me but it is more than likely we'll be going with this place regardless of the unknowns. Sometimes, you just have to go with your gut!

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