Wednesday, September 7, 2011


My doctor ordered a three hour fasting glucose test to see if I had gestational diabetes. Now, she allowed me to come in at my leisure but recommended first thing in the morning since it is a fasting test. Given that I'm always hungry, it would not be a pleasant experience in the best of circumstances.

I already had an appointment scheduled yesterday afternoon so I thought I would get the test out of the way the same day but it may not have been a wise choice given it was the first day after Labor Day weekend when every man, woman and child were on their way back to reality from where ever the last days of summer took them. 

Needless to say, I made it to the hospital around 8:30a and started my test at 9:00a. If anyone has ever taken this before, you'll know that you need to have your blood drawn four times throughout the test. Your first draw at the beginning before "the drink" and an additional one each hour after "the drink".

"The drink" sort of tastes like flat orange soda with extra scoops of sugar. I was forewarned that people do become nauseous. I heard the warning but didn't pay it any mind until *GULP!* I started feeling clammy and thought I was going to drown in my own saliva!

Babies and I got through the ordeal intact. Afterwards, there was nothing to do but to RUN, NOT WALK to the nearest food source available.

Hospital cafeteria.

Not ideal because I secretly do think they lace all their food with laxatives but I didn't care. I ordered a grilled cheese with tomato. It could barely pass for diner food but nothing ever tasted so divine!

Doctor's appointment that afternoon was a little more entertaining than my morning. Nothing new to report during the office visit other than my climbing weight and sore muscles.

Ultrasound didn't really produce any good pictures (hence, none are available to post here) but I found out that they've moved since the last time we saw them. They are both laying vertex with heads touching (so think the meeting of the minds around my belly button).

When I looked at the size comparison online, it said that a baby this age should be about 2 pounds and the size of a cauliflower. I assumed that was more for someone who carrying only one baby and probably didn't apply to multiples.

Turns out that my boy is a massive 2 pounds 11 ounces (54th percentile) and my girl is 2 pounds 4 ounces (40th percentile). So not only are they cauliflowers, they are VERY plump cauliflowers! I'm wondering if they will even fit into any of the preemie clothes we already have for them when they are born!

BUT I'm not complaining. Above average is good and I'm glad that both are healthly. Constant movements break up each day. Now I know why! Both are bruisers!

Don't be disappointed with no updated pictures from yesterday. I have my 3D/4D ultrasound appointment scheduled tomorrow afternoon so I will be posting those pictures as soon as I upload them!

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