Friday, August 21, 2009

Second Prenatal Exam

So either Ken heard wrong or I did but somehow we thought we had another ultrasound appointment today but didn't! LOL

In any case, it was basically a checkup to go over test results and leave a urine sample (apparently this has to be done at every visit from now until the baby is born).

All the results came back negative so that's good news. We were able to listen to the heartbeat with a doppler. We even heard little "thumps" that the doctor told us were kicks although I wouldn't really feel these for another few weeks yet. I was told I could feel twinges or flutters now and these were normal.

We're almost at 14 weeks (tomorrow) and was reassured today that things are still progressing well. Since I can't feel much quite yet, there are days where I worry (paranoid, yes) if baby is doing ok in there.

I go in for other tests the week of September 5 to check the baby for Down's Syndrome and spina bifida. So many tests!

Our next Prenatal Exam is in mid-September. I will be 18 weeks by then and actually do have an ultrasound appointment that day. So we still don't know whether Baby Hamilton is a boy or a girl (the suspense!) but you'll know as soon as we do :)

By the way, the nurse asked me if there was one baby in there or two. I told Ken this and his brows furrowed into slight worry and panic. As far as I know, there is only one baby and suspect that if it were otherwise, it would show up on the ultrasounds. Wouldn't that be a SURPRISE!

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